Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Compare Bengal Tiger vs Jaguar Fight, who will win?

Bengal Tiger vs Jaguar
When you want to know about the comparison of Bengal Tiger vs  Jaguar, it takes place by narrating different varieties. Both the animals are belongs to same family known as Felidae family. They are the most popular animals in the jungle which consists of unique abilities and giant size. It takes much simpler when you compare both animals and check the difference between them.

It brings forth necessary comparison and understands the difference between Bengal Tiger and Jaguar is very easy. If you know the major details, then comparison is very easy and this passage provides information about them. Here, the differentiation begins by describing both animals individually.

General facts about Bengal Tiger

The Bengal Tiger is one of the largest and deadliest species in the world. Hence, this is a national animal in India and Bangladesh. This animal seems to be quite well in the jungle and most male ones are sterile. However, this particular species of tiger weight up to 500 pounds for a full grown male. 

For female tiger, it consists of 310 pounds for its full growth. It consists of long tails and heads which is larger than other species. Obviously, this animal is named as excellent haunters and feed on a variety of prey around the jungle. When they choose large prey, it becomes scarce and gets only a limit range.

In some arena, the Bengal Tiger eat livestock as well and continue still in the world. Moreover, the Bengal tiger consumes only 60 pounds of food at one time. With a huge concern, the human beings are living aside of the tiger area. The efforts are working to extend and thus preventing them from hazards. This tiger will grow beyond 8 feet in length and lead a normal growth. Beside, their vision is superior to many animals and they get awesome hearing option.

They love to live in green forest that can ambush and hunts it prey accordingly. On the other hand, they are the best swimmers unlike other animals and roam around the jungle. The female Bengal tiger matures at three years of age and delivers three to five cubs. Also, the Bengal tiger will live almost 25 years and little in the world. They have a strong roar which shakes the wild and creates fear too many animals which heard two miles away.

General Information of Jaguar

Jaguar is a largest animal in the America and named as third strongest animal in the world. In addition, its head body length reach around 240cm and it’s should height up to 75cm. Of course, the Jaguars have an incredible strong jaw which gives enough strength to prey. Also, it is known as fearsome predators which will hunt anything and lives in the forest. They are solitary animals and ranges up to 80-90km and female to mate every year. They deliver four cubs after two years of mate.

They can survive in many habitats and normally found close to water and tropical rainforest. They are named as best tree climber by using its strong nails and legs without any hassle. However, the Jaguar lives up to 11-15 years and can live over 20 years in captivity. It is often known as symbol of strength and consider as endangered animals in the world.

Jaguar hunts individually and often springing from trees and climb easily. It takes around 3 months for mating and female generally gives birth for year. So, this animal has shorter tail and named as outstanding swimmers and climbers.

Comparison between Bengal Tiger Vs Jaguar

If you wish to know the difference between Bengal Tiger Vs Jaguar, then follow this table column to check their family, genus, and other types of them. So, it provides quick understanding of both animals.
Bengal Tiger vs Jaguar

Animalia (Bengal Tiger)
Animalia (Jaguar)
Panthera tigris
Average Head & Body Length
6 ft
5 ft 6 inch
Tail Length
2 ft 9 inch
2 ft 5 inch
Chital, Wild Pigs, Gaur, Water Buffalo, Nilgai and Wild Boar
Adult caiman, Tapir, Large Rodent, Ungulate, Capybaras and Fox
Average Weight
210 kg
100 kg
India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan
Central America and South America
Near Threatened
Average Life Span
10 years
13 years

As per the size and weight, Bengal Tiger is stronger than Jaguar. It is brilliant in haunting because of significant volume and brain. It is often known as a dangerous animal and also feeds natural predators forever. The tiger is mostly known as vertical stripes and looks scared by its appearance. Likewise, the Jaguar is also threatening one by looking its skin color and dark eyes. With a single bite, both will kill prey which consists of significant size and weight.

The Jaguar also heavily prey large animals and known as most dangerous animal in the wild. Moreover, the Bengal tiger weight more than Jaguar and easy to prey than this one. Also, the stamina is higher when compared with Bengal Tiger. Hence, Jaguar has more strength which allows it to fight for extended time and climb accordingly. Most often, the Bengal tiger deserves the best battlefield by giving excellent performance and ability to kill prey quickly.

Head to head fight

If you imagine who will win either Bengal Tiger Vs Jaguar, then it is 100% chance of Bengal Tiger to win the battle. This is, fortunately; Jaguar will escape from the tiger by climbing trees and also swim in water. With the help of stronger nail, the Bengal Tiger will surely defeat Jaguar by its remarkable fight ability.

Unlike others, it fights energetic and does not give up easily. It fights till the end and get a victory when there is a battle between them. As a result, the battle will be hard between them because of having the same stamina for fighting. So, this will hard to judge first and later Jaguar will escape by climbing and swimming.

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