Thursday, June 1, 2017

Compare Black Mamba Vs King Cobra fight, who will win?

King Cobra vs Black Mamba
Both King Cobra and Black Mamba are highly venomous snakes in the world and known for their uniqueness. Wildlife lovers are always excited to know the comparison between Black Mamba vs. King Cobra fight, but it can be rare.  Fight between these two snakes is uncommon but still, you can know their strengths and abilities to know who going to win the fight.

Both these snakes have its own characteristics. Talking about Black Mamba, it's venom is more poisonous than King Cobra. Both are entirely different from each other. So it would good to take the comparison between Black Mamba vs. King Cobra. You must follow this article to get a proper idea.

Also read- King Cobra vs Green Anaconda

Terrifying Facts Of King Cobra:

King Cobra is the very dangerous snake, and it is the king in cobra species and various venomous species of snakes. Of course, it is the world longest venomous snake, and the maximum length will be 18 ft as well as it weight also ranging around 13 kg.

King cobra commonly found in the lush green forest of India, Indonesia, and China, as well as it venom, can kill more than hundred people at a time. Overall, it has the ability to kill an elephant with a single bite. It will generate a lot of venom on a single bite that will cause death immediately.

King Cobra generates strong venom than any other kinds of snakes on a single bite which means it is very dangerous venomous snakes in the world and it gains more popularity across the world.

King Cobra is considered as the snake eater, it survives on other snakes. Even it can eat small rat pythons, venomous snakes, and snake. Especially it can eat krait snake and spectacled cobra. King Cobra is the longest snake as well as fearless at any point in time. 

It has the ability to attack humans any time, this will make King Cobra very dangerous.It will defend himself against the big and vigorous animals including elephant.

King Cobras easily lift their front during fighting or locating prey and it can more aggressive in this looks. Usually, this snake has a broad mouth and hood.

King Cobras are also having the ability for killing large animals when compared to other snakes; king cobra has more flexible jaws that are also expandable. This snake will hunt in daylight only and not active in the night.

Amazing Facts About Black Mambas:

Black Mambas are also very dangerous snakes in the world and it can found in eastern and southern part of Africa. These kinds of snakes are highly terrific at the same time dangerous. Black mamba also differs from other snakes in its habits, appearance, and characteristics.

Black Mamba eats some small animals, lizard, insects, bird, etc. It is a shy kind of snake, and it does not like human presence in its living area or surroundings. 

It is the longest Venomous snakes in Africa Continent, and it is also discovered with its black color inside its mouth, this factor will make him dangerous as well as scarier. Even this snake will 14ft long slithering at speeds of up to 12.5 miles per hour, and this snakes will kill a human within a fraction of seconds.

Of course, it is the dangerous snake, it can kill people with its single bite. These kinds of snakes commonly found in southern and eastern countries of Africa. Overall, it can be popular for its unique appearance. It is the fastest snake in the world and it gets popularity by being very aggressive.

The scientific name of the black mamba is Dendroaspispolylepis. Generally, Black mambas live in rocky as well as the savannas hills of southern and eastern Africa.

Usually, Black Mamba is highly toxic, but it does not work on King Cobra.

King Cobra vs Black Mamba

Compare King Cobra Vs. Black Mamba:

Now you can easily compare king cobra vs black mamba, and got to know which one is robust and most dangerous.

King Cobra
Black Mamba
Maximum Length
18.8 ft
14.6 ft
Average Length
9.8 to 13 ft
8.2 to 10 ft
India, Indonesia, China, Malaysia
Southern Africa and Eastern Africa. 
Cardiotoxins  and Neurotoxins
Cardiotoxins, Neurotoxins, Calciseptine. 
Other Snakes
Lizards, Rats, Birds and Insects
Venom Quantity
200 to 500 mg
50 to 120 mg

Least Concern

These are some of the characteristics stats about the king cobra vs. black mamba.

Who Fight Well And Win Finally?

In general, Black Mamba has more dangerous venom when compared to the King Cobra because it contains dangerous components including Calciseptine, Cardiotoxins, and Neurotoxins. After bitten by Black Mamba, humans will observe dizziness, coughing, drowsiness, convulsions, heartbeat. 

If both snakes meet each other, they will start to do head to head fight. Normally, King Cobra would have upper hand because it is larger, heavier and bigger in comparison to Black Mamba.

King Cobra is the snake-eater so it can also have the ability to eat Black Mamba, but it is really complicated one because the Black Mamba is really fast and quick than the king cobra. When it found any danger, then the black mamba will escape from the King Cobra.

At last, the king cobra is the most dangerous snakes in the world, and it will easily win during the head to head fight. King Cobra easily beat black mamba, but in some cases, the fight will be endless because the black mamba will escape from king cobra.

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