Thursday, November 9, 2017

Compare Colossal Squid vs Sperm Whale, who will win?

Sperm whale vs Colossal Squid
Oceans are all about mysteries and same the case for Colossal squid and sperm whale. Both species are unexplored due to their habitat. So, we come again with an interesting fight comparison between two- Colossal Squid vs Sperm Whale.

The largest toothed predator or the largest toothed whales has one name and that is the Sperm Whale. It is one of the species of the sperm whale family, which has two other species. On the other hand, colossal squid is also known as giant cranch squid and the Sperm whale has some scars on its body that resembles the tentacles of the giant squid. You can easily state that colossal squid is the largest squid if you counter them based on mass.

The colossal squid are said to have short tentacles and longer mantles. Not just that, the beak that the colossal squid possesses is the largest one when compared to other squids and is quite robust too.

You can catch a glimpse of sperm whale anywhere in an open ocean. The young males and the females one lives in a group, but the adult males prefer solitude. The female sperm whales stick together nursing and protecting the younger ones. The reproduction of sperm whale happens every 4 years to 20 years and they care for their calves for over a decade.

The sperm whales are strong enough predator, but the calves or the weak adults are taken down by the orcas. The brain of the sperm whale is the largest and it is five times the size of the human brain. You can also check Polar bear fight with Whale, check- Polar bear vs Whale fight
Colossal Squid vs Sperm Whale
Sperm Whale vs Colossal Squid fight- who going to win?

Though the sperm whale has impressive teeth, but still they prefer to suck their prey. Moreover, it is seen that they stay underwater for a long period of time, almost an hour to look for the squid.

There have been instances when the colossal squids have been prey to Sperm whale and this fact is a proven one as the remains of squids are found in the stomach of the sperm whale. Mainly, the beaks and the tentacles are the indigestible ones and they remain in the stomach of the sperm whale.

The colossal squid doesn’t require huge prey to feed on because they are known to have a very low metabolic rate. Therefore, they are happy to feed on 30 grams of prey every day and that is one of the reasons why they are the slow-moving predator. They use their eyes primarily for the detection of prey rather than relying on the active hunting spirit.

The largest colossal squid that has been captured weighed around 495 kg. On the other hand, the male sperm whale weighs around 41000 kgs and their length is about 16 meters. There is waste product, which appears from its digestive system and is used till date as a fixative in various perfumes.

They have been declared more vulnerable by none other than the IUCN and they are being given protection by the whaling moratorium, so that they don’t get into extinction soon. You will find the blow hole of the sperm whale on the left side of the head.

The sperm whale irrespective of whether it is a male or a female during the birth has the same size, but things change rapidly as soon as they start maturing. The male sperm whales become almost as much as 50% longer than that of female sperm whale and even its size differs.

If by any chance, they come face to face with each other, then no doubt the giant sperm whale will win hands down. It has happened in the past as well and it is a proven fact because the researchers have found remains of the colossal squid in the stomach of the sperm whale, the ones that cannot be digested. I hope you like reading on " Colossal Squid vs Sperm Whale".

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