Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Compare African Lion Vs Grizzly Bear, who will win?

Grizzly Bear vs African Lion
African Lion and Grizzly Bears are both powerful predators in our planet. African Lion is widely seen in Africa and Grizzly Bears are seen in America. The American Grizzly Bears are considered as one of the most dangerous animals in the world found in the Alaska & Canada. It is worthy to compare Grizzly Bear vs African lion fight.

The African Lions are most successful predator known as the “King of the Jungle” or accurately “King of the Savannah”. Both these predators are quite ferocious and amazing wild animals and they are capable of standing firmly for a tough fight with each other.

Grizzly Bear Facts-

Grizzly Bears are sub species of the brown bears and these Grizzly Bears are normally found in the Northern USA and Canada. Adult Male Grizzly Bear would weigh around 340 Kg and have the shoulder height of 3 ft 6 inch to 4 ft 1 inch. Head and body length of Grizzly bear ranges from 7 ft 1 inch to 7 ft 8 inch. Grizzly Bears are normally known to prey on the White Tailed Deer, Musk Deer, Birds, Black Bear, and Salmon Fishes.

Grizzly bears are considered as the Majestic Symbols of the Wild. They live in a wide variety of the habitat types and help the ecosystems regulating the ungulate populations. Grizzly Bears have the concave faces with distinctive hump on its shoulders and it has long claws for 2 to 4 inches long. The hump and claws of the grizzly bear is largely associated with its ability to dig. The Grizzlies are normally dark brown and they are also seen in very light cream color to black color. Long guard hairs on their shoulders and backs give the "grizzled" appearance for the bears.

Grizzly bears are solitary animals and they are not much territorial. Grizzly bears could be seen feeding together in places such as whitebark pine sites and salmon streams. Grizzly Bears needs to eat more in the summer to build up the sufficient fat reserves for surviving in the dinning period in winter season.

African Lion Facts-

Lions are only cats that live in groups and these are called as Prides, family units include up to 3 males and a dozens of females. African Lions are apex predator in African jungle and they are commonly found in the Sub Saharan Africa. The African Lions are the dangerous predators found in the world and it weighs up to 180 kg. African Lion have the body length of 6 ft 1 inch that includes head and shoulder height varies from 3 ft 4 inch to 3 ft 8 inch.

African Lion prey mainly on the Deer, Wildebeest, Antelope, Impala, Wild Buffaloes, Zebra and many others. When compared to both the animals prey, it is concluded that lion preys are dangerous and difficult than the Grizzly Bear that preys small animals. It is quite interesting to know that these African lion deals with the Grizzly bear. Male African lion is considered as the King of all animals in Jungle for their fierce look and powerful abilities when compared to other animals.

Comparison African Lion Vs Grizzly Bear-
African lion vs Grizzly Bear
African Lion
Grizzly Bear
U.arctos ssp.
Average Head &  Body Length
6 ft 1 inch
7 ft 8 inch
Shoulder Height
3 ft 8 inch
4 ft 1 inch
Average Weight
180 kg
340 kg
USA and Canada
Average Life Span
15 years
25 years

African Lion and Grizzly Bear Winning Facts:

According to the physical strength, the Muscles of the African Lion are stronger than that of the Grizzly Bear. The Grizzly Bears are heavier, longer and taller that the African Lion.

African Lions are better hunter and fighter than grizzly as African Lions face much bigger challenges for its food in the African Jungle. Male Lions help its pride and lionesses do not have that much power to takedown bigger prey such as wild buffaloes.

Grizzly Bear prey on the small and easy animals as big animals are found rarely in these surroundings. Paws of the Grizzly are bigger than African lion and it is much helpful to easily swipe in stronger manner in a fight. Grizzly Bear could easily stand with its hind legs for long time but the African lion can only stand. It is a bigger advantage of the Grizzly with gaining the ability to make an attack. 

African Male Lion normally have the mane that would protect its neck from any kind of heavy swipe from the Grizzly Bear. Grizzly bear has more fat in its body and it is helpful for getting rid of the lion paw grip and swipes. Many such cases were seen in which the grizzly bear dominated male African lion completely in Zoo and Circus.

One such incident happened in a Circus where the Grizzly Bear kills African lion with its paw swipes within a few minutes. Face of the lion was badly wounded by powerful swipes of grizzly that causes the death of lion. According to the doctor’s report, grizzly paw swipe has gone into lion’s skull cause him to death instantly.

Grizzly bear could fight till death and that makes him true dangerous predator in the world however lion or any other big predators could not withstand the heavy swipes.

Head To Head Fight:

Grizzly Bear Vs African lion Fight- Weather is mild spring and the sun is shining. Who wins in the mighty clash of predatory African Lion and Grizzly Bear? This is a straight up battle and there is no hunting or stalking or ambush. 

Grizzly bear would have a better chance to win the head to head fight with African lion. Grizzly bears are Stronger, Taller, as well as Heavier but they have the bigger paws that are quite efficient to give stronger and deadly swipes to lion bringing more damages. African Lion could not withstand the fight with Grizzly for longer time. 

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