Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Compare Grizzly Bear vs Kodiak Bear, who will win?

Grizzly Bear vs Kodiak Bear
Grizzly and Kodiak bears are popular across the world, and these are the member of species Ursusarctos and have similar characteristics, but we also found a lot of difference between these two bears. Both are lives in North America, but now anyone quickly understands the difference between two bears by following this article. Comparison between Kodiak Bear vs Grizzly Bear is worth reading.

Now most of the wildlife lovers excited about Grizzly Bear vs. Kodiak bear fight, it can be rare, at the same time unusual but people also enjoy fight during some conditions. If you are interested in understanding the complete difference between Grizzly Bear Vs Kodiak bear you must take the below points

Grizzly Bear Facts:

In general Grizzly bear found in North America, it is the popular species, and it is also known as a silvertip bear because it has silver color in its fur. Grizzly means a particular group of solitary animals, and it can also consider as the active animal.

Grizzly are highly used to hunt in rivers, lakes, streams, pounds in the coastal regions, as well as these, are called as the brown bears. These are originating from Eurasia and later to North America.

Of course, the average length of the Grizzly will be 198 cm, as well as it has big shoulder and the size will be 102 cm, in addition to this, foot length of the bear is 28 cm at the same time it has a small tail, and its size is 5-6 cm.  The average weight can be 270 kg. 

Grizzly not only found commonly in North America it can be found in Asia and Europe. It can be different from other types of bears due to its hunting activities, and the estimated lifespan of the males are 22 years and females are 26 years.

Males are stronger than females, and it can be powerful in head to head fight. Normally grizzly bears are more aggressive in nature this will protect themselves as well as it will protect their cubs from predators and other threats.

Kodiak Bear Facts:

Kodiak bear otherwise called as an Alaskan grizzly bear and these kinds of bears live in islands.  Of course, it is one of the sub-species of brown bear.

Kodiak bear completely differs from others because it has orange colour hair and its cubs retain white colour for few weeks. Even the Kodiak bear also look like a grizzly bear, but it will differ from some facts.

The average weight of Kodiak bears around 480-533 kg, and the maximum weight will be 680 kg weight. When compared to the males, female Kodiak bears have less weight as well as lighter.

The average length of the Kodiak bear is 244 cm and height will be 133 cm, and it has 46 cm foot. Kodiak bear will be active during the daytime, and it can be inactive at night time. The diet includes salmon, seaweed, deer, berries, mountain goats, and garbage.

Typically, the Kodiak Bears' home range also supports for a higher population density of bears, because it has great food sources. Overall, Kodiak bears have developed complex communication as well as social structures to live together with minimal conflict.

Normally, the Kodiak bear is healthy at the same time it is also productive throughout the archipelago, now its population is also increasing. Mostly, these kinds of bears live in productive land of the wildlife.

These kinds of bears also have very sensitive sense of smell at the same times it has great hearing ability as well as this is a natural adaptation to locate prey. Even it will defend against danger. The Kodiak bears stand on their hind legs to investigate sounds as well as smells.

Compare Grizzly Bear Vs. Kodiak Bear
Grizzly Bear vs Kodiak Bear
If you interested in understanding interesting factors about Grizzly Bear vs. Kodiak bear you must take the below-mentioned points, these really help to get a clear idea about these two bears, even this table allows anyone to compare individual facts of the Kodiak and grizzly bear without any complications so it can be best choice for the people who love wildlife.

Kodiak bear
Grizzly bear
Average Length
244 cm
198 cm
Average Height
133 cm
102 cm
Average Tail
Unknown5 cm
Asia,Canada, North America, and Europe
cool temperatures, overcast, fog, subpolar climate, moderate areas, windy conditions.
In Alaska dense near the coast and continental united states
Powerful jaws and teeth
Large and sharp incisor teeth
Carnivora, Omnivora
Average Life Span                 
25 years
26 for males and 22 for females
480 to 533 kg
80 to 360 kg

These are some of the important factors about Grizzly Bear and Kodiak bear, with the help of this comparison table you can easily understand the individual characterizes and abilities of both bears.

Who Will Win The Fight Easily?

These two bears are the same species, but they are also isolated from one another for long periods, so they have a lot of differences in their behaviour and social structure.

Both Grizzly and Kodiak come under Brown bear, but the Kodiak is much larger when compared to Grizzlies. In general, the population size is larger in Grizzly than in Kodiak.

Both are almost same bears and has same characteristics, but in many conditions, Kodiak bear will win the fight because it is larger in size than the grizzly bear. At the same time, it has great stamina so that it will win the fight but in some conditions size is never a good way to estimate tenacity because Grizzly bears are aggressive by nature so that it can fight against its opponent.

Grizzly would win the majority of battles; diet is the only reason the Kodiak gets greater size than the Grizzly bears. In the icy area or condition, Grizzly will beat their opponent quickly because it is always aggressive so grizzly is the winner in that conditions.

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